I'm pretty unfamiliar with this website, but apparently this account is almost a year old, so past me was looking out for present me for once.
Hello! I am called YadoR. I've been uploading art online for about a year or so and I'm looking for new outlets to share it. I'll probably spend a fair bit of time uploading some of my older works to this account, along with attempting to upload newer pieces. It might be kind of a lot, but I promise I'm still drawing new things as often as I can.
If you've ever heard of me before, you'll know I'm a very big Kirby fan (if not, you'll soon probably see) I also tend to draw my own original characters and comics from time to time. I'm hoping I can post that art more regularly here, as well as just draw them more consistently as time goes on.
I don't really know how this website works, but I hope you all like the art I share here :)
Hey, some of you art aren't here, any reason?
I saw that actually, but I didn't delete anything. It might have been a website glitch or something, because it looks like everything is back to normal.